We invite to contact us by phone to obtain information about current and future litters
and available puppies.

In our breeding is possible to reserve puppies.

Phone: +48 668 970 919 (we do not provide information by e-mail)

Current photos of our puppies

We are members of the Polish Kennel Club.
All puppies from our kennel have documented origins. When you buy a puppy, you will receive its birth certificate from us, which entitles you to obtain a pedigree for the dog.
The pedigree does not oblige you to anything, but is a document confirming the puppy's origin, guarantees a dog of the Maltese breed, i.e. a dog with specific mental features and appearance defined in accordance with the standard, and allows you to eliminate or minimize the risk of many diseases.

Domowa Hodowla Maltańczyków

Copyright © Mały Książę i Paris
All rights reserved


Monika Smyk
ul. Ligonia 13G
44-351 Turza Śląska
woj. Śląskie
Telefon: +48 668-970-919
E-mail: malyksiazeiparis@wp.pl
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